Kamis, 30 September 2010
The relaunch of Street Style
Photography by Ted Polhemus
Last night I went along to two things. Firstly, I was invited to the relaunch of the the hugely popular style bible Street Style by Ted Polhemus. The new updated edition of the book is a collaboration with cultural research archive PYMCA.
Ted Polhemus has spent a great deal of his life observing and photographing the catwalk that is the street. The new edition
London's Next Top Tranny
Photography by David Hart www.shootmeup.co.ukFabulous Russella
My second stop of the night was the ridiculously popular London's Next Top Tranny at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club. It was completely full to capacity and there was a big queue outside. I felt sorry for Tessa on the door who wasn't allowed to let any more people in until some left. Luckily my friends Jonny Woo and Jeanette
Tony Curtis RIP
"I wouldn't be caught dead marrying a womanold enough to be my wife"
Tony Curtis(1925-2010)
And he had six of them. A man who lived life to the full.Wasn't he handsome?
RIP Tony Curtis xxx
Seven quotes for a Thursday afternoon - Part forty eight
"Do you want to be an artist and a writer, a wife and a lover?With kids, your focus changes. I don't want to go to PTA meetings"
Stevie Nicks(b. 1948)
"Besides wanting to be an artist I wanted to be a movie star"
Patti Smith(b. 1946)
Photography by William GottliebBillie and her dog Mister, 1946
"There's no damn business like show business.You have to smile to keep from throwing up"
The English weather
Photography by Camilla AkransEdita Vilkeviciute
This week in London it has rained relentlessly. Either constant drizzle or absolutely chucking it down. It sounded like someone was running a bath outside my window for most of yesterday.
I know the picture above is a spring picture, I just think it's really beautiful. Now I'll have to accept that all my hopes of a late Indian summer have gone.
Rabu, 29 September 2010
Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt" October "Meet Me at the Movies" Event
The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance (PDNA) invites you to "Meet Me at the Movies," Friday October 29, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Sherwood Community Music School, Columbia College recital hall, 1312 S. Michigan Ave.
Alfred Hitchcock
’s personal favorite of all his films, Shadow of a Doubt
(1942), is also the only film he ever shot entirely on location (Santa Rosa, CA).
When Uncle Charlie (Joseph Cotton) travels west to visit his sister and her family, the sleepy town of Santa Rosa is never the same. Handsome and debonair, Uncle Charlie is idolized by his young niece Charlene “Charley” Newton (Teresa Wright) who has become disenchanted with her small-town life. Uncle Charlie represents glamour and excitement to young Charlie and she craves his attention.
As word spreads about a man they call the Merry Widow murderer, Charley suspects that he and her beloved uncle to be one in the same. When she is befriended by a government agent investigating the case, Charley is faced with some tough choices. Does she cooperate, putting her uncle at risk, and upsetting her mother? By getting closer to her uncle, does she put her own life at risk?
With the help of playwright Thorton Wilder (Our Town
) and screenwriter Sally Benson (Meet Me in St. Louis
), Hitchcock created a truly suspenseful film. Shadow of a Doubt demonstrates one of Hitchcock’s favorite themes: evil can lurk in the most unlikely and innocent of places…within our own towns or cities and among our own families.
Admission to the movie is $5 and the price for the wrap party afterward is $15 (optional).
Alfred Hitchcock
When Uncle Charlie (Joseph Cotton) travels west to visit his sister and her family, the sleepy town of Santa Rosa is never the same. Handsome and debonair, Uncle Charlie is idolized by his young niece Charlene “Charley” Newton (Teresa Wright) who has become disenchanted with her small-town life. Uncle Charlie represents glamour and excitement to young Charlie and she craves his attention.
As word spreads about a man they call the Merry Widow murderer, Charley suspects that he and her beloved uncle to be one in the same. When she is befriended by a government agent investigating the case, Charley is faced with some tough choices. Does she cooperate, putting her uncle at risk, and upsetting her mother? By getting closer to her uncle, does she put her own life at risk?
With the help of playwright Thorton Wilder (Our Town
Admission to the movie is $5 and the price for the wrap party afterward is $15 (optional).
Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
I wonder if Marilyn's diamonds are real?
I love anything sparkly and I adore jewellery. I'm quite boring though I just wear the same jewellery all the time. I don't have any diamonds, apart from some diamond stud earrings which are the only earrings I wear apart from pearl studs. A boy once bought me a gorgeous antique diamond ring but I gave it back when we split up. All the rings and
My interview with Janice Dickinson for LOVE
Last week I interviewed Janice Dickinson for LOVE which was great fun. I didn't have as long as I'd have liked and Janice and I spent the first fifteen minutes outside smoking and chatting off the tape but in the twenty minutes I actually recorded we crammed a fair bit in! Next time I'd like to talk more in depth about men though...
To read the interview CLICK HERE If the link doesn't work
Selasa, 28 September 2010
Naomi Campbell Interview Magazine October 2010
Naomi Campbell interviewed by art dealer and owner of the Shafrazi Gallery Tony Shafrazi.
Photography by Marcus Piggott, Mert Alas

I make many mistakes. Many mistakes. So I always get nervous when people speak about something that sounds like a role model, because I don’t know if I’ve been a great role model myself. I don’t think I have in certain aspects of my life.

I’m not going to wallow in self-pity and not live my life. There are always going to be some falls in life for everybody, no matter what career you have. You have to roll with the punches and keep going.

There were certain designers who hadn’t used models of color in their shows, and Christy [Turlington] and Linda [Evangelista] said to them, ‘If you don’t take Naomi, then you don’t get us.’ My friends and comrades stuck up for me. That doesn’t happen in fashion.

Look, I’m controversial. It’s not that people don't know who I am. . .if people want to work with me. If they don't, they don't.

None of us actually cared about this word supermodel . . .But what we did like was being together . . . We would all have our rooms next to one another—it was like a dorm on tour.
Photography by Marcus Piggott, Mert Alas

I make many mistakes. Many mistakes. So I always get nervous when people speak about something that sounds like a role model, because I don’t know if I’ve been a great role model myself. I don’t think I have in certain aspects of my life.

I’m not going to wallow in self-pity and not live my life. There are always going to be some falls in life for everybody, no matter what career you have. You have to roll with the punches and keep going.

There were certain designers who hadn’t used models of color in their shows, and Christy [Turlington] and Linda [Evangelista] said to them, ‘If you don’t take Naomi, then you don’t get us.’ My friends and comrades stuck up for me. That doesn’t happen in fashion.

Look, I’m controversial. It’s not that people don't know who I am. . .if people want to work with me. If they don't, they don't.

None of us actually cared about this word supermodel . . .But what we did like was being together . . . We would all have our rooms next to one another—it was like a dorm on tour.
Where I go to a WI evening with a difference
My best friend Fee, designer Mrs Jones called me yesterday and said I had to come to the studio this evening. She told me "The WI are doing something down here" I said "What THE Women's Institute? Are you having a laugh?" Why on earth would I be up for that? I haven't baked a cake since I was seven! I didn't think the WI would be my thing at all, and of course I thought I was far too young!
Senin, 27 September 2010
Show you my wardrobe - Part four
Vintage 1930's cherry red crepe bias cut dress with rhinestone polka dots
This is the last Thirties dress I shall show you, in case it's all getting a big samey and you start dozing off. I bought this hand made dress at a Hollywood estate sale for $150 in about 1994.
The dress is made of a heavy crepe with hand applied rhinestones. They are clipped on with a metal circle on the inside. They
Shoots I love - Bal masqué
Bal masqué - French Vogue October 2010Photography by Mert Atlas and Marcus PiggottModels - Lara Stone, Freja Beha Erichssen, Mariacarla Boscono, Daphne GroeneveldRealisation by Carine Roitfeld
I think this is a beautiful and strong shoot and one of the most interesting I've seen for ages. Sadly I can't post the whole shoot as I have to be careful posting tits on this blog! Google are
Minggu, 26 September 2010
Steve McQueen - The King of Cool... and his women
"I live for myself and answer to nobody"
Steve McQueen(1930-1980)
I've always thought Steve McQueen was one of Hollywood's sexiest men. His macho, smouldering good looks, bright blue eyes and raw sex appeal have always done it for me. Given the chance I would definitely have gone there (if he was single of course). Who wouldn't? You'd never want to be his wife or girlfriend though.
Sabtu, 25 September 2010
Having a bath with Steve McQueen...
Photography by John DominisSteve and Neile McQueen, Big Sur, California, 1963
I've always had a thing for Steve McQueen. I could think of a LOT worse ways of spending time... God, he was hot!! Imagine it... Bottle of wine. Check. Fags. Check. Steve McQueen. Sigh.
Which famous person would you like to have a bath with?
Happy Sunday xxx
Giles SS11 by Tanya Ling
Giles SS11 by Tanya Ling
I've always loved Tanya Ling's fashion illustrations. I love her style. I did a blog on her a while ago, to see it CLICK HERE
To see my coverage of Giles SS11 show, backstage and after party CLICK HERE
Olivia Munn Sunglasses

These kinda remind me of large stylish bottle cap shades, like from the 1930s or so...
Looking to buy a pair? They sell for around $200 and the model number is 6299/S.

Loving leopard print?
Hedy Lamarr
Leopard print can look amazing and very exotic. Unfortunately I have to be very careful with it or I can look a bit like Bet Lynch. I can get away with light or darker shades but not the orange and black variety, I just look trashy. I tend to use it for accents only now. I think you have to have the right colouring to carry off leopard print successfully and I don't think it
Jumat, 24 September 2010
Fashion blog tag
Lauren Bacall has great style
Firstly thank you so much to the delightful Alex at Odd socks and Pretty Frocks for tagging me. Alex's blog is full of all sorts of interesting things and great bargains and I love her sense of humour.
What's your favourite fashion accessory
It has to be shoes! I also love shrugs, stoles and anything dramatic you can wear on your shoulders.
A few pairs of my
My favourite models - Emily DiDonato
Photography by Anthony Maule
American model Emily DiDonato was born in 1991 and raised in Orange County, upstate New York. Emily is the face of Giorgio Armani's Acqua di Gioia fragrance and has shot campaigns for Polo Jeans, Maybelline, Calvin Klein, Nicole Farhi and Guess. Not bad for a year long career.
Emily is beautiful and versatile with a very timeless glamour.
Photography by Anthony
Kamis, 23 September 2010
Lara Stone for Vogue Paris
I think this cover is stunning! Lara Stone is one of my favourite models and I've have always loved Mert and Marcus's work. I think this is a very strong and beautiful picture perfect for the ninetieth anniversary edition.
What do you think of it? xxx
J Maskrey's Swarvovski crystal pieces
Photography by Jez Tozer
I think these sunglasses for SS11 are fabulous.
Being a bit of a magpie I love anything sparkly. I've always admired J Maskrey's work. I went to her first collection in Shoreditch over ten years ago. Then she made crystal skin jewellery and the models were covered in it.
I've also worn her body jewellery - normally on my hands or wrists. I've had crystal stars,
Show you my wardrobe - Part three
Vintage 1930's cream silk dress with parrot tulip print
I've dug out a few of my vintage dresses. I thought this one deserved it's own post. I bought this original Thirties hand made silk dress at the estate sale of a New York socialite in 1995 for £120. There was some fabulous things there but I chose this because I thought I'd actually wear it. I love the twisted neckline and the unusual
Seven quotes for a Thursday afternoon - Part forty seven
Photography by Horst P. Horst
"It is the unseen, unfortgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure"
Coco Chanel(1883-1971)
"It is fancy rather than taste which produces so many new fashions"
Photography by Patrick Demarchelier
"I love fashion, but I'm not obsessed with it"
Christy Turlington(b. 1969)
"You don't learn
Rabu, 22 September 2010
Up early to interview Janice Dickinson
This morning I was up at 9am, rather early for me, admittedly I found it hard to drag myself out of bed. I haven't had much sleep this week as I've been out every night and I'm absolutely knackered. I need a week of staying in now to get over it!!
I went along to the Sanderson Hotel to interview Janice Dickinson for LOVE magazine. Janice and I have been bumping into each other at fashion
Selasa, 21 September 2010
Giles SS11 and Giles/M.A.C after party
Photography by Alasdair McLellan
I may be biased as he's my best friend, but I thought the Giles show was AMAZING and contained touches of absolute genius. After winning the ANDAM award two seasons ago one of the stipulations was that Giles had to move his catwalk show to Paris. His extremely welcome return as top dog in London fashion went down a storm.
Giles' incredible eye astounds me
The Marilyn Monroe pose
Photography by Bert SternMarilyn Monroe, 1962
Photography by Bert SternLindsay Lohan, 2008
Photography by Sølve SundsbøScarlett Johansson, 2009
Senin, 20 September 2010
Bring Two New Friends to this week's "Meet Me at the Movies" and Win a Prize
Bring two friends who have never been to a "Meet Me at the Movies" event and win a free MMATM coffee mug. Your friends will be glad you invited them and you'll love the mug!
The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance (PDNA) invites you to "Meet Me at the Movies," Friday September 24, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Sherwood Community Music School, Columbia College recital hall, 1312 S. Michigan Ave. My Man Godfrey
starring William Powell and Carole Lombard is the classic movie to be screened. The cost for the movie is $5 per person.
The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance (PDNA) invites you to "Meet Me at the Movies," Friday September 24, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Sherwood Community Music School, Columbia College recital hall, 1312 S. Michigan Ave. My Man Godfrey
Coffee taste better in a "Meet Me at the Movies" mug. |
My Man Godfrey this Friday
The Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance (PDNA) invites you to "Meet Me at the Movies," Friday September 24, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Sherwood Community Music School, Columbia College recital hall, 1312 S. Michigan Ave. The wrap party (dinner after movie) will be held at the Weather Mark Tavern 1503 S. Michigan Ave.
Classic performances and situations have made My Man Godfrey
one of the best film comedies ever made. My Man Godfrey was the first film to receive Academy Award nominations in all four major categories, including Best Actor and Best Actress for William Powell
and Carole Lombard
respectively. Film critic Roger Ebert in a review of the movie simply said, “God, but this film is beautiful” and it truly is. My Man Godfrey is ranked 44 in the American Film Institute’s (AFI) “America’s 100 Funniest Movies” compiled in 2002. Not bad for a movie first released in 1936.
Lombard was so identified with the screwball comedy genre that Life magazine dubbed her “the screwball girl” in a 1938 cover story. When paired with Powell, no stranger to comedy himself, My Man Godfrey becomes a master class of screwball comedy technique.
Admission to the movie is $5. Dinner afterward (not required) is $15 per person. To RSVP to this event and/or the wrap party click here.
Minggu, 19 September 2010
Pam Hogg SS11 Show
Last night The Actor and I went to our friend Pam Hogg's show at On/Off's venue in Bloomsbury Square. We were a little bit late getting there and it was absolutely packed. The catwalk was arranged in four big sections, all full like this
Normally I would take some front row pictures but the show was about to start and I didn't want to be flying up and down the catwalk when the models came out
LOVE magazine and Joseph party
After that I went on to the LOVE magazine's party at the Joseph store on Westbourne Grove. Every window was illuminated with giant LOVE cover from issue four.
The party was in the large basement and the cocktails and Champagne flowed. It didn't run out all night. It was a great party and I caught up with lots of friends.
Music was provided by Pulp's Steve Mackey who was spinning tunes and
Fiona Apple's New Album In 2011

5 years after her last official album, the extraordinarily Extraordinary Machine, Billboard.com is reporting that Fiona Apple is prepping the release of a new album by Spring 2011.
First came the news from a recent profile in Modern Drummer Magazine of Fiona
Apple's drummer and co-producer Charley Drayton, on the article they state that
"Drayton, who has toured with Apple since 2006, co-produced and mixed the record, as well as played on it".
And then the second news about the album came from singer-songwriter Michelle Branch, who twitted that "Hate to brag but I heard a couple new Fiona Apple tracks today. Amazing" and also that "Apple's new material should be worth the wait", she shared this info from her Twitter account on Sept. 12, which was one day before Fiona's 33rd birthday.
The tittle of the album and an exact release date is still not known, Spring means the album could be release on either March, April or May 2011, but obviously these are big, big news and I can't wait to hear new music from Fiona!
Bette Davis, Joan Crawford and me
I love reading Chinese astrology books. Don't worry I'm not going all Mystic Meg on you! I became interested in Chinese astrology many years ago and have found it amazingly accurate when I've done readings for other people.
Born in January 1969 I just made it to being an Earth Monkey, if I was born a few weeks later I would have been a Rooster. Chinese signs change with the Chinese New
Sabtu, 18 September 2010
Show you my wardrobe - Part two
I keep mentioning Hollywood glamour and staying in bed so I thought it only fitting that the next section of 'Show you my wardrobe' should be vintage nightgowns.
These were all bought from estate sales in Hollywood or New York. A couple were from Ebay in America. I bought them from a lovely dealer I made friends with, a retired French horn player with the Metropolitan opera called Richard
Staying in bed
Photography by Mario TestinoKate Moss
Photography by Corinne DayNatasha Poly
Photography by Jean Paul-GoudeLaetitia Casta as Mae West
"It's not the men in my life that count,it's the life in my men"
Mae West(1893-1980)
Photography by Milton H. GreenMarilyn Monroe
Here's a few pictures I had knocking around. I love the bed Kate is reclining on and the simplicity of the shot of Marilyn.
Jumat, 17 September 2010
My monochrome wardrobe
Photography by Miguel ReveriegoNatasha Poly - What a brilliant outfit!
I am still on the humungous task of sorting out my wardrobe. I'm trying to put it into sections and swapping the wooden hangers for the new slim velvet one which allow me to cram even more in.
I've lived in my house for thirteen years and have been buying things on Ebay since I moved in. The Actor says it's like Christmas
Kamis, 16 September 2010
Lucy in Disguise launch party
Last night I popped into my good friend Sarah Owen and Lily Allen's new vintage boutique Lucy in Disguise.
As expected it was crowded with glamorous people drinking cocktails and Champagne. I had a little look round and there are so many beautiful pieces. I'm going to go and see Sarah next week to see everything and get the full Lucy in Disguise experience. Lots has caught my eye already.
Out of Town opening
There were so many things on tonight and Fashion Week doesn't even start til tomorrow! I was supposed to go the the opening of Selfridges new shoe hall - the size of a football pitch. I shall have to pop in over the next week.
Also this evening I wanted to go to the beautiful Princess Julia's vintage pop-up shop - The Glorified £ Shop at Maiden in Shoreditch High Street. I went past on my
Seven quotes for a Thursday afternoon - Part forty six
Coco Chanel and Cecil Beaton, 1937
"A fashion that doesn't reach the streets, is not a fashion"
Coco Chanel(1883-1971)
"Indeed who is there that walks London streets, but can point out a half-dozen men riding by him splendidly, while he is on foot, courted by fashion, denying themselves nothing, and living on who knows what?"
William Makepeace Thackeray(1811-1863)
"Fashion is what one
With this I'm going to control your life
This made me laugh!
I rather behind on work and blogging today. My internet got cut off because I forgot to pay it so I've set up a temporary office (me, my laptop and iPhone) on Frances, my good friend and neighbour's sofa.
I woke up with a shocking hangover this morning. I stupidly had a glass of red wine and quite a lot of vodka, never a good move to mix drinks. I swear by two large
Rabu, 15 September 2010
Brandon Flowers GQ UK

Brandon Flowers talked to GQ UK magazine about his new solo album, touring with and without The Killers and more.
Why a solo album now and what's the status on the band:
"I've always written on the road and just tried to write as much as I can. It scares me, the thought of good songs getting passed up. I had kind of an explosion of ideas while we were touring for Day & Age. A combination of that and a couple of the guys were talking about how they wanted a pretty good break after this album. So it seemed like the perfect time to do it. I've said it before - I'd prefer that it was the Killers doing this. But I can't help that they want to have a break and I can't help that I want to do this. Everyone's looking into it but there's no wedge in the Killers. It's just they need a break and I can't blame them. We talk every now and then. Ronnie sends funny e-mails and stuff like that."
On touring behind the new album:
"I was with people who are pretty creative: producers and guys who aren't afraid to tell me, 'That sucks,' or, 'That's fantastic.' I'm excited [about touring alone], but a little bit nervous. I don't have the catalogue of Killers songs to support me but these new songs are solid. There's a song called 'Crossfire,' which I feel is as good as anything I've ever done."
His proudest musical achivement:
"Lyrically, there's a song on this album called 'From Nogales To Magdalena.' I feel like it's the best lyric I've ever written. It's really just strong when it comes to getting the story across. It's about a pilgrimage in Mexico that takes place every October, where people walk from Nogales to Magdalena. St Francis is going to grant them this thing that they're walking for, whether they're walking for forgiveness or to have a prayer answered or to keep their jobs so they can take care of their family."
Why "Flamingo":
"It's a very iconic image, for me and captures the mythology of Las Vegas. Flamingo was one of the first casinos that opened up. It's a very prominent road in Las Vegas, a road that I have gone down, up and down many times, many miles."
His solo heroes:
"People who have broken away from bands, or just in general? I like a lot of dudes. I've always loved David Bowie. I like Sting. Phil Collins."
On being humble:
"In the early days they tried to pin us as very arrogant. They were looking for a new Liam Gallagher and it didn't work out. I feel like now it's pretty positive, just in the people that I meet and come into contact with. It's a respect that we've kind of lasted, I guess. Outlasted all the hype and everything."
Having said that....:
"People say that bombastic magic happens when we play together, that there's something special about us four playing. I'm so close to it that I don't know."
Brandon Flowers
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Where I actually enjoyed... bowling
Last night I went with a group of friends went to the All Star Bowling Lanes in Bloomsbury Place, WC1 for a surprise birthday dinner and a bit of bowling.
I have only been bowling once before with The Actor and My dad. It was my dad's idea and he was really good, as was The Actor who is good at everything. The pair of them were so competitive I barely got a look in and ended up leaving them
Show you my wardrobe - Part one
Photography by Anthony MauleEmily Didonato
I've finally begun the reorganisation of my wardrobe. As well as a huge amount of black there are also some quite ridiculous but fun numbers in there. I don't own a single T shirt, or a single pair of jeans. I don't even own that many tops, mostly dresses. It used to be funny when I was single... if a boy stayed and the next day they asked if I had
Senin, 13 September 2010
Coco Chanel - The legend and the life by Justine Picardie
"I invented my life by taking for granted that everything I did not like, would have an opposite, which I would like"
Coco Chanel(1883-1971)
Yesterday afternoon I was invited along with a group of eight bloggers for some afternoon tea at Claridges, my favourite hotel, to meet the author Justine Picardie and talk about her new biography of Coco Chanel - The legend and the life.
Being rather
Coco Chanel's apartment
"An interior is the natural projection of the soul"
Coco Chanel(1883-1971)
I've long been an admirer of Coco Chanel's apartment and I love the opulent interior so I thought I must do a post about about it.
Coco Chanel bought the Eighteenth century building at 31 Rue Cambon, Paris in 1910. There are four floors; the Chanel store is at street level, haute couture dressing rooms are on the
Happy Birthday Fiona Apple & "Parting Gift" Video
To celebrate Fiona's 33rd birthday I decided to post what I consider the sweetiest breakup ballad ever written.
I opened my eyes
While you were kissing me once more than once
And you looked as sincere as a dog
Just as sincere as a dog does,
When it's the food on your lips with which it's in love
I bet you could never tell
That I knew you didn't know me that well
It is my fault you see
You never learned that much from me
Oh you silly stupid pastime of mine
You were always good for a rhyme
And from the first, to the last time, the signs
Said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
It said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
I took off my glasses
While you were yelling at me once more than once
So as not to see you see me react
Should've put 'em, should've put 'em on again
So I could see you see me sincerely yelling back
I bet your fortressed face
Belied your fort of lace
It is by the grace of me
You never learned what I could see
Oh you silly stupid pastime of mine
You were always good for a rhyme
And from the first to all the last times, all the signs
Said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
It said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
Fiona Apple
Parting Gift
Extraordinary Machine
Directed by Spencer Maggart (aka Fiona's half brother)
Fiona Apple McAfee Maggart, September 13, 1977
PS Day 13 out of 13.
I opened my eyes
While you were kissing me once more than once
And you looked as sincere as a dog
Just as sincere as a dog does,
When it's the food on your lips with which it's in love
I bet you could never tell
That I knew you didn't know me that well
It is my fault you see
You never learned that much from me
Oh you silly stupid pastime of mine
You were always good for a rhyme
And from the first, to the last time, the signs
Said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
It said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
I took off my glasses
While you were yelling at me once more than once
So as not to see you see me react
Should've put 'em, should've put 'em on again
So I could see you see me sincerely yelling back
I bet your fortressed face
Belied your fort of lace
It is by the grace of me
You never learned what I could see
Oh you silly stupid pastime of mine
You were always good for a rhyme
And from the first to all the last times, all the signs
Said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
It said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
Fiona Apple
Parting Gift
Extraordinary Machine
Directed by Spencer Maggart (aka Fiona's half brother)
Fiona Apple McAfee Maggart, September 13, 1977
PS Day 13 out of 13.
Minggu, 12 September 2010
I love this jacket
Photography by Max AbadianAmanda Laine
I would love a hooded fur coat, but not in real fur, I'd like a design like this in black sheepskin. I've been looking for a furry sheepskin jacket for a while and have come to the conclusion it would be easier to buy a couple of sheepskin rugs and get one of my clever friends to copy this style for me. I love the shape, the length and the hood.
Johnny Cash "Ring Of Fire" & 'Hurt" Videos
R.I.P. the Man In Black, the man who "shot an man in Reno, just to watch him die", and sang about a "Boy named Sue" who was given a girl's name to learn how to fight and stand up for himself.
Ring of Fire & Nine Inch Nails' Hurt, two men in a different stahge of life, but all the same at the same time.
Johhny Cash: February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003
Fiona Apple "Sleep To Dream"
I tell you how I feel, but you don't care
I say tell me the truth, but you don't dare
You say love is a hell you cannot bear
And I say gimme mine back and then go there - for all I care
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell toraise
I have never been so insulted in all my life
I could swallow the seas to wash down all this pride
First you run like a fool just to be at my side
And now you run like a food
But you just run to hide, and I can't abide
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell toraise
Don't make it a big deal, don't be so sensitive
We're not playing a game anymore
You don't have to be so defensive
Don't you plead me your case, don't bother to explain
Don't even show me your face, ''cause it's a crying shame
Just go back to the rock from under which you came
Take the sorrow you gave and all the stakes you claim -
And don't forget the blame
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell to raise
Sleep To Dream is the second single from Fiona's debut album Tidal (1996), and it was directed by french video and film auteur Stephane Sednoui.
In honor of today's MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS I decided to post the second video from the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, while accepting the 1997 MTV Video Music Award for "Best New Artist" for "Sleep to Dream," she proclaimed: "This world is bullshit, you shouldn't model your life on what you think that we think is cool, and what we're wearing and what we're saying, go with yourself" referring to the mainstream music industry. Host Chris Rock would comment on her speech later on during the program, saying, "That Fiona Apple was mad, huh? Fiona X was up here."
Though her comments were generally greeted with cheers and applause at the awards ceremony, the media backlash was immediate.
However, Apple was unapologetic: "I just had something on my mind and I just said it. And that's really the foreshadowing of my entire career and my entire life. When I have something to say, I'll say it." Stand-up comedian Denis Leary included a satire of this speech on his album, Lock 'n Load, titled "A Reading from the Book of Apple". Janeane Garofalo parodied Apple's comments in light of the fact that her video for "Criminal" seemed to reinforce the same celebrity fixation on weight and appearance that Apple condemned.
A while after that, both she and Janeane attended the same event, but instead of talking face to face with her the comedianne ignored Fiona all night, Apple responded to these criticisms in an article in Rolling Stone in January 1998
accepting her part of the blame but also by calli Garofalo "a cowardly bitch".
PS: Day 12 out of 13.
Sunday music - J J Cale
Here's a laid back song for Sunday. I love J J Cale's voice. The man is SO cool and effortless. I wish this youtube recording was louder. I play everything loud. Luckily I don't upset the neighbours too often - I have a musician upstairs and my next door neighbour is deaf. The musician does occasionally critique my musical choices the next day, although usually he finds the variety and
Sabtu, 11 September 2010
Meet my new addition
My new addition is a mannequin! I've been talking about doing some wardrobe posts for ages and the mannequin will be perfect for it. You've seen how bad I am at taking photographs of myself and I don't really have a way of taking full length pictures, everywhere's too high or too dark.
The mannequin is the same height as me, but a little bit slimmer. I doubt I'll ever be a size eight again,
Don't go shopping with a hangover...
Have you ever been shopping with a bad hangover? I do it quite often. Traipsing around aimlessly with my one brain cell. I walk in with no idea what I want and am often surprised what I end up with. It's never a good idea to go shopping when you're hungry either. All my healthy ideas go straight out of the window.
Above is Waitrose in Marylebone, a shop I've spent a lot of time in. My
Fiona Apple "Across The Universe" Video
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va
jai guru de va, jai guru de va
jai guru de va.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va.
The video for Across The Universe is the first Fiona video directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, for the soundtrack of the movie Pleasantville, and of course the original is a Beatles song.
PS: Day 11 out of 13.
My new turban headband
Alana Zimmer for Jean Paul Gaultier Couture
I've been looking for a turban type headband for ages. I've bought a few turbans online or on Ebay over the years but they're never quite right or quite glamorous enough. A couple were so bad I only use them to take my make up off.
One of my favourite shows for AW10 was Jean Paul Gaultier Couture. I thought the whole show was amazing. I loved the
Jumat, 10 September 2010
Olivia De Havilland Awarded Legion of Honor
One More Honor for De Havilland
Two-time Oscar-winning actress, Olivia De Havilland was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday. At 94, De Havilland is the last surving major star of Gone With the Wind
(1939). Also awarded the award with her was film star Jacqueline Bisset, perhaps best know in France for her role in Francois Truffaut's Day for Night
The Associated Press said De Havilland "looked radiant" during the ceremony.
Two-time Oscar-winning actress, Olivia De Havilland was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday. At 94, De Havilland is the last surving major star of Gone With the Wind
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Olivia De Havilland with Legion of Honor medal |
The Associated Press said De Havilland "looked radiant" during the ceremony.
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French President Nicolas Sarkozy embraces De Havilland during ceremony |
Fiona Apple "Limp" Videos
You wanna make me sick;
You wanna lick my wounds,
Don't you, baby?
You want the badge of honor when you save my hide
But you're the one in the way
Of the day of doom, baby
If you need my shame to reclaim your pride
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; got off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand
You feed the beast I have within me
You wave the red flag, baby you make it run run run
Standing on the sidelines, waving and grinning
You fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun
And when I think of it, my fingers turn to fists
I never did anything to you, man
But no matter what I try
You'll beat me with your bitter lies
So call me crazy, hold me down
Make me cry; get off now, baby-
It wont be long till you'll be
Lying limp in your own hand
Limp was the second single from Fiona's second album "When The Pawn..."
the video was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.
About working with Fiona on her videos PT Anderson said:
"While we like working together and obviously benefit from it, we're aware of the super-couple stigma. We are consciously "trying to keep a slightly low profile because we realize that we would hate us. We want to stick to the work. I wanted to direct Fiona Apple videos before I went out with Fiona, so generally what we do is do cool videos together and keep our mouths shut about them."
The second video is Fiona's performance of the song on Saturday Night Live on
PS: Day 10 out of 13.
Patsy Kensit saved my wardrobe
I went round to Patsy Kensit's house to interview her for LOVE magazine and I had a good look around her immaculate wardrobe. Patsy showed me these amazing hangers that her PA JD had found. They are by Joy Mangano and are called huggable hangers.
Huggable hangers are very strong and covered with a velvet like material. They are perfect for annoying clothes that fall off hangers easily,