Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

FHM Girl Next Door Top 12

Another exciting moment in my life was I got selected as FHM Girl Next Door Top 12. I was delighted and that was unbelievable for me. I never thought I would got in, the shorlisted girls that came to interview were awesome and gorgeous. Imma lucky girl!

It's amazing that I got any photo in focus
as I was manual focusing... not by choice...
but even then some interesting results came out
like the movement photo below (notice the face is actually sharp)
or this one... I liked how it kinda came out lomo like
As the girls prepared for the next portion,
out came the next act to charm the crowd
but what came out next was what got the crowd all hot and bothered
for those under 21, you are advised to skip this portion
(as if that ever works...
but then again u lil boys probably see more provocative things online anyway)

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